Raimones Engrescada Red

Raimones Engrescada Red


Country: Spain

Region: Penedès

Grapes: Xarel.lo, Sumoll, Cabernet Sauvignon

Vintage: 2021


Raïmones is an exciting new natural wine project in Penedès that is essentially a supergroup of acclaimed local wine producers Mas Candi, La Salada and RR Sadurni, whose individual projects we have been fans of for some time. For Raïmones the trio work primarily with indigenous Catalunya varieties, including the super-rare Marina which they are on a mission to bring back from the brink of extinction.

The Engrescada Red is a blend of Xarel.lo, Sumoll and Cabernet Sauvignon fermented with indigenous yeast in stainless steel. Vivid, floral aromas of violets and bergamot with blackberry, plum and wild strawberry fruit.