Yvon Metras Beaujolais

Yvon Metras Beaujolais


Country: France

Region: Beaujolais

Grapes: Gamay

Vintage: 2022

Alongside Thevenet, Lapierre, Foillard and Breton, Metras was a proponent of the revolutionary theory of Jules Chauvet and Jacques Neauport which kicked off the natural wine movement in France. Decades later he still works the same way farming just six hectares, meaning demand for these wines outstrips supply year on year. The vines have always been worked by hand, without chemical treatment, and without SO2. 

This is the Yvon's Beaujolais made from grapes grown in Fleurie but not granted Cru status because the are deemed to be at too high an altitude. A delicate and poised wine with black pepper, a tart red berry acid, and some nice Cabernet Franc-type funk.